Self-Catering Holidays in Puerto Pollensa
A self-catering holiday in Puerto Pollensa on Majorca’s northeast coast allows you to have a laidback holiday without the restrictions of a hotel stay, you can do what you like, when you like! With a duo of golden-sand beaches, the Serra de Tramuntana mountains and a glamorous marina with extravagant yachts, there are an array of things to see during a villa holiday in Puerto Pollensa. Pick up food from one of the local supermarkets to cook up at your self-catering villa or sample paella at one of the many restaurants.
A Selection of Self-Catering Holidays in Puerto Pollensa
7 nights stay, Sat 25th Apr, 2026
and spread the cost monthly
Book this villa for just a £99 deposit and spread the cost with interest-free monthly instalments. T&Cs apply
Subject to dates & availability
and spread the cost monthly
Book this villa for just a £99 deposit and spread the cost with interest-free monthly instalments. T&Cs apply
Subject to dates & availability
and spread the cost monthly
Book this villa for just a £99 deposit and spread the cost with interest-free monthly instalments. T&Cs apply
Subject to dates & availability
This villa is brand new to Solmar for 2025!
and spread the cost monthly
Book this villa for just a £99 deposit and spread the cost with interest-free monthly instalments. T&Cs apply
Subject to dates & availability
7 nights stay, Sat 25th Apr, 2026
and spread the cost monthly
Book this villa for just a £99 deposit and spread the cost with interest-free monthly instalments. T&Cs apply
Subject to dates & availability